Let them eat cake she said - just like Marie Antionette...Brioche. That wonderful French concoction of eggs, butter and milk. All the healthy stuff. And pretty much none of it vegan.
So I was delighted to find this recipe for veganised brioche on the wonderful Have Cake Will Travel.
I was a little bit apprehensive about the recipe. When I boiled up the cornflour and refrigerated it I got a kind of solid block of jelly. I threw that in the mixer along with the weird and wonderful ingredients and it produced a really stretchy sticky dough that is really very unlike bread. Even worse, when I left it to prove it really didn't do a lot. It remained quite small and distinctly unrisen.
Overnight int he fridge and it had actually increased in bulk a little and I split it up for the pan. Not having any brioche tins (something else for the equipment fetish list) I popped 6 small balls of dough into cupcake tins and made the remainder into 4 larger balls of dough which I crammed into a small loaf tin.
After 45 minutes of "dough proving" in the oven, they were ready to bake. By this time they had risen quite a bit and I was starting to become hopeful.
20 minutes later and the house was filled with a wonderful aroma of baked brioche.
We split a couple of the rolls for breakfast along with black cherry jam. And all of a sudden all 6 had gone....
And the results? Well when my vegan wife first tasted them she pronounced them the finest brioche she had ever eaten. This was only slightly undermined a few minutes later when she added "well actually it's the only brioche I've ever eaten"...
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